To this day I still don't know how Kim Kardashian became famous but boy does she know how to dress. In my opinion Kim is like an exotic version of Paris because Paris also became famous because she is the daughter of a famous hotel owner.
Since launching her own reality show 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' and dating Ray J and now Reggie Bush Kim's popularity has increased. I love her style which is very femnine, fashionable, timeless and at times edgy. Her make up is also flawless and Kim has the perfect eyes for smokey eyes. Basic colors look good on her but she sure knows how to make a fashion statement with bold, vibrant colors.

Since launching her own reality show 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' and dating Ray J and now Reggie Bush Kim's popularity has increased. I love her style which is very femnine, fashionable, timeless and at times edgy. Her make up is also flawless and Kim has the perfect eyes for smokey eyes. Basic colors look good on her but she sure knows how to make a fashion statement with bold, vibrant colors.

Libellés : Kim Kardashian NEWS